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behind the blog

Meet Mea

Wife, mother, & Finance Enthusiast

I'm delighted to have you here on my blog. By day, I'm a Senior Consultant in the tech software industry, where I've dedicated my career to mastering the intricate world of technology and software solutions. But my life isn't just about code and algorithms. It's also about the beautiful tapestry of being a new wife and a mom to an adorable 7-month-old daughter who brings laughter and joy into my every day. Yet, the story of my journey wasn't always filled with joy. I grappled with my finances for years, often spending more than my wallet could handle. It wasn't long before I realized I was buried under a mountain of debt, totaling over $60,000, with a hefty $20,000 representing my student loans. But here's the remarkable part of my story - in the span of just one year, I managed to conquer $35,000 of that debt.

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